Set up housing the same as leopard gecko?


New Member
Is the set up pretty much the same as leopards?

-i have a 30g bin screen top.
-Paper towels as sub.
-heating pad
-room temp is 73-75f
-misting with Luke warm water
-fake plants to climb on
- do I need this? 3 hid out one on heating pad one on cooler side and one moist hide out?
feeding I not sure besides crickets and calcium. Could I feed repashy savory stew?

Anything else? Do I need lights?


New Member
Also I going to buy the repashy crested gecko diet. I was wondering if they could eat the savory stew cuz I have 3 packs of it as my turtles hardly touch it.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
NOOOOOO. If you keep a crested gecko like a leopard gecko, it will die. These are two completely different animals with completely different needs. One is a terrestrial species that eats entirely insects from a relatively dry environment, and the other is an arboreal species that eats fruit and insects from a humid environment. They require different diets, setups, humidity, and temperatures. They are basically opposites of the gecko world. Please do a lot of reading on crested geckos if you are considering getting one to avoid a very, very dead gecko.



New Member
So can u give me info into what would be wrong with set up? Also I know about humidity ect. And ill be feeding it the respashy c diet.


New Member
United States
cresteds are arboreal, they need to climb, so they require a vertical set-up, not horizontal like a leo. They are also nocturnal, so they do not need a light. They also need temps between 70 and 80, NOT ABOVE. If they get too hot, they will stress and die. They require a humidity of about 80%.

Please, read up on crested care sheets. They are nothing like leopard geckos!!


New Member
I never owned a leopard I was just wondering.instead of telling me look it up a came here for advice not the opposite.
Also don't take that as I am not researching I am just like advice and seeing if I got things right:)
I have read and they stuff said it is ok how I am housing?
-30g 18inch tall bin but its a lot more tall then wide ect with screen top( I live in a very rainy place and by the ocean)
-room temp is 73-75f so the temp would be around 78-80f in the housing with heat pad and day lights.
- humidity is around 50-70% with 2 Luke warm mist.
-repashy crested gecko food and crickets.
-water dish
-food dish
-paper towel as sub
-plants to climb on and branches.
-hide outs
-water conditoner?
Anything I am missing or shouldn't do?
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Embrace Calamity

New Member
I never owned a leopard I was just wondering.instead of telling me look it up a came here for advice not the opposite.
Also don't take that as I am not researching I am just like advice and seeing if I got things right:)
You have to do some research on your own. If you had done any at all, you would have known that you can't house a crested gecko like a leopard gecko. You can't just come here, say what you plan to do without any research, then expect other people to correct you and spoon-feed you all the information. That's not what people are here for. We're not your knowledge servants; you gotta do a little bit of the work too.
-30g 18inch tall bin but its a lot more tall then wide ect with screen top( I live in a very rainy place and by the ocean)
A 30 quart tub is the equivalent to 7.5 gallons. The rule of thumb when using aquariums is 20 gallons a gecko. You could probably get away with a little smaller, but 7.5 gallons sounds far too small.
-room temp is 73-75f so the temp would be around 78-80f in the housing with heat pad and day lights.
Again, they don't need lights. All that would do is dry the enclosure out. And you still need some semblance of a temp gradient.
- humidity is around 50-70% with 2 Luke warm mist.
That is too dry. The gecko will be dehydrated if kept that way.
-water conditoner?



New Member
If you read what I wrote I did and still doing research. Also I never said or thought housing a c is the same as housing a leopard( just wondering if its was around a the same idea? Like could i use paper towel ect. Mostly i just want to make sure i get things right. notging wrong with getting help like a fourm is suppost to do. Crested Gecko Care Sheet // Gorgeous Gecko
Page Not Found - 404 are some of the care/setup webs I booked marked and read through. Plus I read And did more research.
The 30g is not Quart? I said it was 18inch high. With the bottom being the same size as a 15g.

Also I mist( making sure everything wet not drenched) in the morning what I read so far is it should be dry during the day. And heavy misting At night( lights are just for day time as there I a dark room) also getting a humidity/temp.

Do you need what conditoner? To take out chlorine ect? Like turtles And fish do?

Embrace Calamity

New Member
If you read what I wrote I did and still doing research. Also I never said or thought housing a c is the same as housing a leopard( just wondering if its was around a the same idea? Like could i use paper towel ect. Mostly i just want to make sure i get things right. notging wrong with getting help like a fourm is suppost to do. Crested Gecko Care Sheet // Gorgeous Gecko
Page Not Found - 404 are some of the care/setup webs I booked marked and read through. Plus I read And did more research.
You asked they could be kept in "pretty much the same setup," and the answer's no. It's pretty much opposite. There is virtually no similarity between the two. Leopard geckos should not even be part of the discussion when talking about crested geckos. And judging by your initial post about having three hides on the ground, you're thinking leopard geckos, which these aren't. At all. Opposites. It's like asking if you can keep a sand boa and an Amazon tree python the same way.
The 30g is not Quart? I said it was 18inch high. With the bottom being the same size as a 15g.
That's my mistake. I read a "q" instead of a "g." 30g should be fine.
Also I mist( making sure everything wet not drenched) in the morning what I read so far is it should be dry during the day. And heavy misting At night( lights are just for day time as there I a dark room) also getting a humidity/temp.
Constantly keeping it 50-70% for tropical geckos will likely be too dry, especially since it would more likely spend most of the time at the bottom of that range. Many people keep their cresties with coco fiber, organic potting soil, live plants, etc. All of these things raise humidity, while what you're planning on using wouldn't do much of anything. Some people argue that they don't need constantly higher humidity levels while some say they do, but they still need it sometimes. The general humidity to shoot for is 60-80%, plus or minus a bit, and if you're only using paper towels, fake plants, a screen top, and a light (which the link you gave said not to use and would likely overheat your enclosure), it's not going to hold humidity much at all and will likely dry out very quickly.
Do you need what conditoner? To take out chlorine ect? Like turtles And fish do?
No, you need filtered water. It said on the link that you gave to use filtered water.



New Member
To start off I asked if they do need 3 hide holes as a question not saying that they do or I'm going to house them like that. As u mention 3 times they don't house they same. You don't need to mention it again only once thanks.

Also I should mention the light gives off no heat it's just so they have a daytime night thing as I mention its going to be in a very dark room.

Here is my full list ina different fourm. Tell me if this is a good set up ect? Questions and set up:))

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