Setting Up Tub

Andrew Larson

New Member
I am getting 1.3 geckos and have a 28 qt tub in my python rack that they are going in. What exactly should the tub consist of?

-food dish
-water dish
-calcium dish

I dont know what to do about hides though? Should I do a moist hide for each? 2 dry 2 moist?


New Member
New York
The bAsics should include a cool moist getaway that I like to place on my cool side that conists of a rubbermaid tub with a hole cut in th top thatthegecko can easily get in and out of then I put another hide on the warm side that can be anything such as a flipped over flower sUcer with an entrance cut out. Then I put two shallow dishes for calcium and water. Also for inside th egoist hide I just use a moist paper towel unless it is a breeder. Thene vermiculite is a what is use

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