And Endrien I lift my guys up like that all the time...its the best way to check a female's gravid process and checking for ovulation. As long as you hold closer to the base of the tail and make sure the leo's front legs are touching something your fine...You also have to have a tamed down leo for this. If they start wiggling too much then put them down.
I started off slow with bonnie and Clyde and now they just let me do it no issues.
ElapidSVT was making me nervous in chat one night with his pics of him holding his lizards like that.. Haha This was After telling him about one of my very first experiences holding geckos involving an AFT ejecting its tail after the breeder(very well known) VERY GENTLY tried to flip it over in my hand to sex it. Startled it I suppose. Startled me as well! I've been paranoid ever since.