So my leopard gecko, Panda has some odd spots on her back that are brown. They are a light brown and sometimes they disappear. When I look closely they look almost like the splotches are dry skin splotches. I gave her a "sauna" wet bath kind of with wet paper towls for 15-20 minutes. After that I tried to rub them off with a moist Q-tip. Panda's attitude has not changed, she still loves to eat and her tail is fat. If you know what's wrong don't hesitate to post please. :main_yes: Is it possible it is an allergy to her gutload because as soon as I started gutloading I noticed the splotches.
genderrobable female
bought:October of 2011
why:just as a pet
food:crickets, mealworms, and occasionally waxworms
I dust 2 times a week and I gutload.