Hi, I recently noticed some shed was stuck to the tip of one of my female's tail. I tried slowly brushing it off with a wet tissue but it is stuck on tight. Any advise? Thanks
Soaking usually works. I hope you get it all off. We had one that it got stuck on there without us knowing it and she ended up losing the tip of her tail. good luck
I use a gladware tupperware dish with enough water to cover the tail tip and then place the top onto the container (with air holes of course) 15min soak should do it!
Great stuff. One of my guys had some skin stuck on his nose and was covering one eye. I gave it a day or two to see if it would come off on it's own. Tonight I found this thread and took some warm water and a q-tip to it and it all came off and my lil guy cam see out of both eyes again.