Shedding question


New Member
I have two young geckos that basically stopped eating and are being syringe fed slurry. I have a thread about that crisis in the health forum. Yesterday my gecko started her first shed. I've never seen her use her moist hide ever and the skin on her toes do not look good.

Yesterday I did put her in some shallow warm water for a few minutes and today I put her in her moist hide, but she jumped out and ran into her warm, dry hide the moment I put it back in her cage.

What should I do to help her? She's already super skinny from not eating and I just want to make sure her shedding goes okay, but I don't know much about it. Also, should I mist her tank to up the humidity?

My beardies have been so easy but these sweet geckos have been tough.



New Member
Well, no one responded to this, but I did find other threads on shedding. So I put my gecko into a container of warm water and did work with a q tip to get the excess skin off of her toes. I feel like it looks like her tail never did shed. I'm not sure if this is okay or not?



Ridgewood, NJ
Geckos usually bite their shed, pull it off and eat it. If she's super skinny she may just not have the energy to remove her shed herself. Any sort of handling with really skinny geckos can be super stressful. I would try misting her cage to see if the higher humidity may help but if she doesn't have the energy to remove the shed she may not. If you have a healthy baby leo they are even easier than beardies but if you get one that's sick or under weight they can be a nightmare. I would triple check your husbandry is correct and if it is, there may be something more sinister going on and you may need the help of a vet to get it under control if they're not too far gone already. Filling out the sticky in the health and medications section: may help people give you better advice. A picture may help as well.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

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