Shipping into the US from Canada


New Member
Say I would want to order from a breeder in Canada (I have found some great leos and balls from different breeders in ca.) and that breeder would be willing to ship into the US if the order was for the right amount of money .... (these breeders' sites mention that they will ship to the US for orders over $1000)

What kind of paperwork am I looking at having to have and what additional costs will there be?

Just want to know what I might be getting myself into before I even get my hopes up. (Anyone working with TUG phantoms leos in the US yet? I can probably get the balls in want in the states)


New Member
FelanMoira said:
Say I would want to order from a breeder in Canada (I have found some great leos and balls from different breeders in ca.) and that breeder would be willing to ship into the US if the order was for the right amount of money .... (these breeders' sites mention that they will ship to the US for orders over $1000)

What kind of paperwork am I looking at having to have and what additional costs will there be?

Just want to know what I might be getting myself into before I even get my hopes up. (Anyone working with TUG phantoms leos in the US yet? I can probably get the balls in want in the states)

First off, I am curious what leopard gecko and ball python morphs you have found in Canada, that aren't available in the U.S.? If they are lower in price there, you have to consider whether all the effort will be worth it in the end.

If the breeder is willing to ship stateside, they would be largely responsible for the process: exporting from Canada, paying a broker on this side, and filing the USFW paperwork. I've heard this costs in upwards of $300 for non CITES animals (leopard geckos and ball pythons aren't CITES listed).

If you're considering buying from The Urban Gecko, I'm not sure how they do it. I know of a few Canadian breeders that basically have distributors stateside: They send a large shipment every so often to their U.S. counterpart, spreading the transportation costs over a large number of animals instead of a handful (e.g. one of my friends spent about $3500 to have some animals shipped from Germany to the U.S. with all the CITES permits, USFW paperwork, freight charges, etc.; but there were 500+ animals in that shipment, so the cost was very low on a per animal basis). The best thing to do is talk directly with the breeder to get some details on how they handle the export/import process.

At the very least, I have a few friends that are licensed and do this sort of thing on a regular basis- I can put you in contact with them...


New Member
it was mostly the phantoms (leos) that TUG had that I was so interested in.

But I'm still toying around with which morphs I want to get into, so I'll let ya know ;)


TUG is close to the US border so they simply drive them to the border and have them inspected themselves. I imagine they have a USF&W Permit as they ship to the US all the time. They also look after CITES for the listed animals. They then take the animals to Buffalo for shipping to various locations in the US. Call Craig, he can explain it all to you....

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