Shipping Leopard Geckos

White Shaq

I and going to sell one of my leopard geckos and I am posting him that he can be shipped. I was wondering what is the best day of the week to ship leopard geckos and who I should ship through. Any help would be appreciated.

Herpin Man

I use Ship Your Reptiles. The website is full of useful information about how to package, when to ship, etc. It’s important to watch the temperature on both ends of the transaction, and to ship only to a FedEx ship center.
I only ship on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Monday is a busy day for FedEx, making delays more likely. If you ship Thursday for Friday, and there is a delay, the animal sits in a box until Monday.
One more rule of thumb that I follow- if SYR isn’t offering insurance on a given day, then it’s probably not the best day to ship.

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