Partners up with FedEx!

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
Just got this email from SYR this morning :main_thumbsup:

Great news for our reptile shipping customers

To our valued customers,

We have great news! After building our service and shipping more than 50,000 packages with UPS, we are now finalizing a stronger partnership with FedEx -- specifically as a third-party reptile shipper. is now an official FedEx-certified live reptile shipper. We are in the final stages of re-activating our reptile shipping service. customers can ship live reptiles, including snakes, to businesses or residences.
Because we are FedEx live certified, you don't have to be.
Thanks to our customer support team, you'll continue to get the same level of customer service as a million-dollar shipper.
With FedEx Priority Overnight service, you'll enjoy guaranteed 10:30 a.m. arrival to most addresses.
You'll get a great rate!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
We've used FedEx for years shipping snakes with 0 issues. Smart move on the part of SYR :) Now we might use SYR services if it is a savings to the customer without compromising quality.

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I just read this this morning and was coming here to post it as well.I guess their are eariler birds on here...Lol!I'm duper excited about this.Do you think it will be as cheap as when they were with UPS?


Ghoulish Geckos
I was pretty happy to get that e-mail today. Now I need to figure out where I can take packages to. I'm hoping this works out for me. Fed-Ex hates me and always says that my address isn't real. That's the only reason why I never got an account with them.


Here is a post from Rob at SYR. It looks like it will be up in a week or less. :D

Re: Ship Your Reptiles is now Fedex Certified.
"This has been a lot of work, and a lot of time. We have been in talks with FedEx for nearly a year, since before we lost snake shipping with UPS. Super top secret James Bond talks.

After a year and a half of shipping with UPS, they finally decided to walk away from it. There were a number of contributing issues. There is definitely phobia over snakes, but there are also third party shipping issues, and the trouble of existing "outside the box" of a normal account. Lots of folks at UPS loved and supported us, and some did not.

We STILL HAVE OUR UPS accounts, all of them. We still ship everyday, contrary to others' insistence. I would be happy to provide proof of current UPS accounts and shipments, if someone so needs it : )

We just can't book shipments through the SYR site with UPS.

We are in the final days of tech issues for the conversion to FedEx. There are a ton of small details and loose ends associated with accounts, shipping histories, generating labels, all of that internal stuff. We need to get that all wrapped up, get a few days of testing done, then I will send out an email 1-2 days before we are ready to throw the switch. We are looking at days, a week, not months. It is coming soon.

And to touch on some key issues with FedEx...

FedEx has a specific approval board of VPs that approve business models outside of the normal box. Unusual cases go through that board for approval. UPS has nothing like that at all. We have specific approval from that board. Third party online reptile shipping. SPECIFICALLY. And we got residential delivery as well. SPECIFICALLY.

There is also a FedEx Live Animal Desk, and they have been tremendously supportive as well.

With the normal certification process, there is a Business to Business shipping/delivery requirement. SYR is specifically intended to help the reptile hobbyist ship live reptiles (including non-venomous snakes) safely and effectively. Those hobbyists are often home based. In accordance with the model we presented, backed up with our history and 50k+ safe shipments, they are giving us the ability to ship to residential addresses. As a responsible SYR shipper, you will not be required to have individual FedEd certification.

For those with doubt, verification is going to be on FedEx's side. They are wrapping up now with the language for our account notes, and that language will appear on our account for FedEx employees to log onto and verify for themselves. Any FedEx employee will be able to pull up these reference notes and verify the third party snake/reptile shipping to a business or residence. We are looking to push this reference cue onto the shipping label as well.

There are some restrictions to our relaunch. We can only relaunch the SYR site. We can't go live with Aquatics, Bikes or RC. Only reptiles. And we can only offer Priority Overnight on the site. No second or third day delivery, no Ground shipping. They are offering live reptile shipping support, and the only way to safely and responsibly ship live reptiles is by Priority Overnight, with a 10:30am delivery (to most addresses).

FedEx has been terrific. It has taken a long time, because we are an unusual case, but SYR provides a valuable service to the reptile hobbyist and we execute it very well. 99% of the reptile community is super supportive, and we deeply appreciate that.

Again, I will send out an email 1-2 days before we go live. In the meantime I am happy to answer questions at [email protected]."

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
I already made a shipment with SYR today... prices are not as cheap as before.. but still about $5 cheaper than using my own FedEx Account

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