Short vacation - What to do with Milo?


New Member
Hello all! I'm new to the forum and new to leopard geckos having just brought home my first on Tuesday (7-17-12). I did however do quite a lot of research beforehand and am pleased to say it seems "Milo" has settled in well.

Anyway, I am going on a short three-day vacation, leaving midday on Friday, August 3rd and returning early on Monday, August 6th. I am home from college for summer so my parents will be home and will check on him but one of the conditions of me getting him was that they would not have to feed him. Therefore I am faced with the predicament - leave him at home for the three days or take him to a nearby pet store where they have a 'babysitting' service.
I would really appreciate some input into which would be in his best interest. On a daily basis I am using mealworms as his staple, supplementing crickets every once in awhile. So would he be okay if I left him at home and stuck a bunch of mealworms in his dish? I'm worried he would go crazy and eat them all at once. However I feel that taking him to the pet store may create some unneeded stress.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks so much in advance!


New Member
South Florida
Just leave him a bowl full of mealworms and he should be fine. You might wanna consider going out and getting one of those water wells that don't run out of water for at least a week or at least get a larger water bowl. Just make sure Milo always has a source of water and don't worry about him going crazy and eating them all at once its unlikely and even if he does leopard geckos can go a a week or two with out any food at all. Enjoy yourself on your vacation and relax because Milo is going to be fine.:main_thumbsup:


New Member
I was just away for 3 days. I left 20 mealworms/gecko for my 3 geckos. Leave baby carrots and some gut loading stuff in the mealworm dish. I came home today and there were 5 mealworms left.

Water is what you have to worry about. If your water dish evaporates really fast in your tank, make one of these. Just drill a hole at the neck of a plastic water bottle at about half an inch from the rim. Fill it with water. Flip it upside down on your water dish. Then tie the bottle to the dish. Make sure the bottle won't tip over and that water does come out of the bottle.

Here's my ghetto weekend waterer.


Make sure your moist hide is extra moist if it's on the warm side or just add another one on the cool side.
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New Member
Thank all of you so much! I feel much more confident leaving him knowing what you all taught me. And mudskipper - what an original idea! Very clever. I will be making use of all your advice in August. Chicago here I come!

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