Shy gecko?

Josh P.

New Member
Hello everyone,

One of my male geckos enjoys to spend most of his time in the cold hide. He does eat well, is gaining weight and all, but he is much less active than most other leos. If allowed he will stay in the cold hide all day, just come our for a minute at night to go by the warm hide and stay there a bit, and then goes back to his favorite place at the cold hide.

Could this mean that something is wrong with him or it may just be personality? Otherwise he shows no other symptoms of illness. If picked up he walks normally, opens the eyes fully, etc. Some of my other geckos come out of the hides when I go by their tanks, follow my finger and voice around and are generally more active and inquisitive. This male doesn't seem to care much. He is around 2 years old. Temperatures and housing are top notch.


Ridgewood, NJ
My older geckos are super lazy. They lug themselves into a moist hide and stay there for weeks (as far as I know, they could be doing laps or partying while I'm asleep but I doubt it). If he's healthy and happy I probably wouldn't worry about him. Conserving energy, especially at the start of winter, is what reptiles do :)

Josh P.

New Member
Thank you for the advice. Although he is only (almost) 2. Is that still normal for him to be so lazy?

I should make him a tiny reptile treadmill. lol Just kidding, obviously.


New Member
Slidell, LA
I don't think anyone has a gecko lazier than my raptor, Eris. She seriously doesn't care a bit what all happens around her. If I take the top off of her humid hide when she's in there, she looks up, then curls back up and goes to sleep. Touching her doesn't seem to bother her, and she only comes out to eat once every few days, then retires to her hide. lol.

Josh P.

New Member
I don't think anyone has a gecko lazier than my raptor, Eris. She seriously doesn't care a bit what all happens around her. If I take the top off of her humid hide when she's in there, she looks up, then curls back up and goes to sleep. Touching her doesn't seem to bother her, and she only comes out to eat once every few days, then retires to her hide. lol.

Lol Glad to know mine is not alone in his laziness.

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