Sick Fan footed Gecko



So I got a fan footed gecko about 2 years or so ago from a pet smart. He has been in great shape untill I bought a Limpopo flat rock lizard. The fan foot started to get those big bulgy bug looking eyes everyonce in a while but it always went away. The last time it happened... last week... he started to get some white stuff filling up in his left eye. Well I put the limpopo up for adoption becuase the problems started when he came.

Does anybody have any clues as to what the bulged eyes are and how to treat them. I have recently cracked down on the lighting cycle and humidity. I think i was keeping it too cool in the night as the light kept me awake.

Is it somethign as simple as this or what else should I do. Im looking for help!



New Member
I assume when you say "fan-foot", you're talking about some species of Ptyodactylus and when you say "flat rock lizard", we're talking about some species of Platysaurus? Were you keeping them in the same cage? Need more pertinent info like cage size, lighting/heating parameters, mist frequency, prey, cage decor, etc.


I believe you are correct on the species.

I was told that fan footed geckos are very territorial especially males (I have female) but can be put in with different species.

I have a 20 gallon tall tank. I have a red heat lamp and a white heat lamp. I am keeping both on during day so its around 85-95 and just the red at night which puts it high 70's. I have a uv light too which is on during the day. Lamperson ( my fan footed gecko) eats both meal worms and crickets. I have a hard time dusting them ( any good methods??) so the dish that i put the mealworms in I put some calcium powder in too and it seems to coat them pretty decent.

As far as cagte decor I have a red sand with calcium substrate in it with about 4-5 large rocks, some logs, and some of those plant tree vines or whatever that hang on the wall. I also have 2-3 hiding places in caves in the rocks and a log and rock that are about 10 inches above the ground of the cage for basking spots

anything else let me know



New Member
I believe you are correct on the species.

I was told that fan footed geckos are very territorial especially males (I have female) but can be put in with different species.

Most males of any lizard species are territorial, especially in presence of females. You likely have Ptyodactylus guttatus which is found in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The "flat rock lizard" could very well be Platysaurus intermedius. At least they are both found in Africa, but it seems size difference alone would be enough to keep them in separate cages.

I have a 20 gallon tall tank. I have a red heat lamp and a white heat lamp. I am keeping both on during day so its around 85-95 and just the red at night which puts it high 70's. I have a uv light too which is on during the day. Lamperson ( my fan footed gecko) eats both meal worms and crickets. I have a hard time dusting them ( any good methods??) so the dish that i put the mealworms in I put some calcium powder in too and it seems to coat them pretty decent.

Again, I'd recommend they be separated. There can be a host of issues going on here including dominance/suppression, parasites, and even nutrient deficiency. As far as dusting is concerned, get a two-part system like repcal and herptivite. Places like sell this or even your local Pet-smart or Pet-co.

As far as cagte decor I have a red sand with calcium substrate in it with about 4-5 large rocks, some logs, and some of those plant tree vines or whatever that hang on the wall. I also have 2-3 hiding places in caves in the rocks and a log and rock that are about 10 inches above the ground of the cage for basking spots

anything else let me know


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