Sick gargoyle gecko I need help asap


Low Dogg

I have a young gargoyle gecko going through her first shed, and she doesn't seem to be taking all to well. I've been soaking her in warm water twice a day with paper towels wrapped around her to help loosen the shed... as well as I've peeled back slowly all the ones she had on her feet and toes... still has it on her body and parts of her head and it doesnt seem to want to peel off nor do parts of her legs. She is getting more lethargic lately doesn't seem to want to eat, her tongue is still pink but her belly is getting darker, I'm keeping her warm, and her humidity up... even lay a wet paper towel over her in her tank when she's resting... I need help.. she is like one of my best lil buds and i want her to be able to pull through this. You can email me at [email protected]

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