My friend thinks one of her geckos had developed mouth rot. Can anyone tell me what to look for? I was going to go check it out before she brings it to the vet. Also, how do leopard geckos get mouth rot?
From what I understand, it's a bacteria infection that reptiles can get in their mouth from improper care. It seems like my friend is doing everything right but she hasn't had him long so maybe he already had it.
From what ive hear, signs of mouth rot is black in the mouth are or around it, not exactly sure.
If he does have mouth rot I suggest your friend takes his gecko to the vet asap. He can also take him to check if he is getting or already has mouth rot Here's an article with more information:
Hope this helps!
Thanks I'll pass it on I did tell her the only way to "fix" it is to get antibiotics from a vet. I'm going over there to see the gecko tonight just for a second opinion before she takes him in.