Silkworm raising/breeding?

Terrain_pull up

New Member
St. Catharines, Ontario
I was doing it for a little while. It's kind of labour intensive to raise a lot of nice healthy silkworms. Their tub or whatever you put them into needs to be cleaned daily if you can. They are prone to dying from health issues when they are very small. Once they get bigger their health is a little more forgiving. I was laid off when I started raising them so I had lots of time to take care of Once I started back to work and had less time to spend cleaning I noticed a lot higher mortality rate.

There are some good youtube videos as well about raising silkworms. That is where I got most of my information.

Digby Rigby

The zebra silkworms are a lot hardier than the more commonly available white ones. They are also sexually dimorphic after one week. Males will be white and the females zebra striped. Mulberry leaves will also make things easier vs. chow. Silkworms will be hardier and more productive with leaves also. Leaves can also be blanched for about 15 seconds then pat dry, placed in a ziplock bag, suck the air out, seal it and they can then be stored in the refrigerator for three months.

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