silkworms for sale!



Hi, I am a silkworm breeder on the east coast. You can check my web page (under construction and fan page on FB).

Here is what I have this week:

100 large with 25% overcount assorted whites, including White Seductress (pure whites) Mask Face and Zebra for $20 shipped anywhere 48 states.

I am different from other suppliers because I readily dispense information on the rearing process. I raise my silkworms on leaves and find them to be healthier than using chows. They do not stink (due to chow) and they are shipped with leaves in a large container instead of a deli cup. They have food to eat along the way and the leaves do not get moldy. They will get to your place bigger than when they were shipped. Chow has the risk of letting out too much humidity and can potentially kill off your silks during delivery.

Add bag of leaves for $1. Leaves store in the fridge for 5-7 days.

I keep the shipping costs down for my customers because I use leaves, not chow. One half pound of chow can bump the shipping cost by $4+ to California! With leaves, there is no waste of food either because the silkworms pick them clean! Instead of raising feeders, they become like pets to my customers!! Great introduction to silkworm for people who have never raised them before! See my fan page for testimonials!!/...a=4&ajaxpipe=1

please paypal to [email protected]

Ship Mon/Tues/Wed.

Live guarantee, but must send photo within 1 hr. Delivery confirmation. USPS.

Thank you.

PS. I also do 250 med/large for $30 shipped, and that comes with a bonus cocooning kit, which makes starting your colony easy!!
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I can't seem to be able to PM anyone..

Try FB this link

If it still does not work, please go to my website
and link from there.

Also, you may email at me [email protected]. But most of the info are posted on my FB.

and Heather, from IA? I just read you do websites. can you do mine? I have a feeling we are using the same hosting service, except my webdesigner is having some issues..

I can do trades with you if you want. I need a ecommercse site.

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