Probably one of the most interesting babies this season has to be Skull. She has such a white face for a mack eclipse. Ive seen such white on a super eclipse but never a mack eclipse. Then to top it with her broken stripe. I hope you see this Kelli, coz this is the first off spring from the same pairing you got Edo from! Edo was the last baby of the last season from this pairing and Skull is the first. Like Skull has the same stripes as Edo did as a hatching-same attitude too! Hopefully Skull's stripe turn the same as Edo's did. With each shed she gets whiter and whiter. Another interesting thing is no matter what angle you look at her eyes at she has red slits in them-i know its a characteristic of a eclipse- Ive never however had one like this. Cant wait to see how she turns out! She's started off slowly but at 3 weeks she's doing well. I dunno if she'll be a hold back just yet but shes quiet the awesome baby!
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