Hi I'm hoping someone could help me. I got a panther gecko a few months ago and unfortunatly the petshop had accidently had her in with a male for a short time so she started producing eggs.
I'd had her a few weeks when she became gravid and developed an awful calcium deficency (i.e. seazures). I got her through that with all sorts of extra suppliments but while the seazures stopped she still wasn't right and dropped her tail (I think due to the deficency). She wasn't walking well and I was worried her bones had been perimantly damaged. So I got her a UV lamp and almost immediatly she improved. She now moves better and eats loads, she's produced 4 more eggs but without any obvious problems.
So thats great but she's still not quite herself, she is far more timid now than when I bought her and still doesn't seem quite as active. Does anyone here breed panthers? And if so is this normal in egg laying females?
She gets pure calcium on all her food and a multivitamin suppliment every week.
I'd really appreciate any advice, I just feel like theres more I should be doing.
P.S. having heard very conflicting views on panthers and UV lights I now only have hers on for 2 hours a day, at first it was on all day and she actually semed better then, but that was before she produced the last 2 clutches of eggs so it could be unrelated.
I'd had her a few weeks when she became gravid and developed an awful calcium deficency (i.e. seazures). I got her through that with all sorts of extra suppliments but while the seazures stopped she still wasn't right and dropped her tail (I think due to the deficency). She wasn't walking well and I was worried her bones had been perimantly damaged. So I got her a UV lamp and almost immediatly she improved. She now moves better and eats loads, she's produced 4 more eggs but without any obvious problems.
So thats great but she's still not quite herself, she is far more timid now than when I bought her and still doesn't seem quite as active. Does anyone here breed panthers? And if so is this normal in egg laying females?
She gets pure calcium on all her food and a multivitamin suppliment every week.
I'd really appreciate any advice, I just feel like theres more I should be doing.
P.S. having heard very conflicting views on panthers and UV lights I now only have hers on for 2 hours a day, at first it was on all day and she actually semed better then, but that was before she produced the last 2 clutches of eggs so it could be unrelated.