I wanted to start culturing my own food, crickets die to fast and are to far. I have tried cockroaches and am planning on getting back into them. But i was wondering what other type of insects can i culture myself. Something that can breed fairly fast and it tiny but not fruit fly tiny, something along pinhead cricket and up.
Also if you know a cockroach that breeds fast and is small, let me know i give them a try. Tried Dubia and dam forgot the name, but the ones that squirt fluid out, no joke. Gonna try them again.
What what do you use or wanna try.
I heard Isopods or Rollie Pollies, breed fast and are great.
How about a large Ant species? Been playing with this idea a lot. Already have a few Queen ants.
Come on get those juices flowing, if you come up with something that you thought might be great but haven't tried it or haven't seen anyone try, tell me ill give it a shot, and report feedback.
Gonna be using it for my Vipers and other Geckos.But don't let that stop you from posting if its a little to big.
Also if you know a cockroach that breeds fast and is small, let me know i give them a try. Tried Dubia and dam forgot the name, but the ones that squirt fluid out, no joke. Gonna try them again.
What what do you use or wanna try.
I heard Isopods or Rollie Pollies, breed fast and are great.
How about a large Ant species? Been playing with this idea a lot. Already have a few Queen ants.
Come on get those juices flowing, if you come up with something that you thought might be great but haven't tried it or haven't seen anyone try, tell me ill give it a shot, and report feedback.
Gonna be using it for my Vipers and other Geckos.But don't let that stop you from posting if its a little to big.