Small update on the snows...Nelly and Max


New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Well, i just kinda felt like posting something.
Max was the one that went off food for almost 2 months, and lost about 10 grams, went from 50 to 40 back in june. She is now up to 73g's and never stops eating (her colours are just starting to dull shes about a week away from shedding, so its not her 10% vibrant self)...
Shes a female mack snow from Green Knight Exotics.

Nelly is a Mack RAPTOR (solid red eyes) from Randy Petruga, when i first got her a month ago she weighed 30g's, she now weighs 39.5g's. And is starting to get a few spots of orange on her tail after each shed.


Lovin that i can start to see a faint stripe comin in on her tail too :) ^^
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New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Your Mack RAPTOR is amazingly gorgeous!! Plump that baby up!
I bet you'll get some really pretty bebes from her next season (if that's your plan).

yup thats my plan, hoping she'll be ready for next year :), the pair is gunna be a mack raptor x tangerine enigma. im goin for some dreamsicles and novas and many many more stuff. Gunna take a couple of season to get the hets first tho. Next year Im hoping to breed a mack enigma het raptor to the mack raptor pctured above (son x mother pairing. the son being an offspring of 2010 breeding). You can do the calculations of what i can get from a mack raptor x mack enigma het raptor pairing lol, its gunna be interesting thats for sure. Hopefully that made sense lmao.

I can find a pic of the male thats gunna breed next year if youd like.

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