Snake Conservation Groups Name 2013 as Year of the Snake; Snake Studies a Priority; V


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Hi All,

In 2010, I highlighted a study that documented steep declines in a number of snake species. Despite disturbing similarities to the “Disappearing Amphibian Crisis”, the snake situation seems not to have generated widespread concern. In my own career as a herpetologist, opportunities to become involved in snake conservation were also limited. Although I was fortunate enough to work in programs designed to bolster the populations of several species, including Green Anacondas, Indigo and Hognose Snakes, most such efforts were short-lived. I was pleased to learn, therefore, that a partnership of several major conservation organizations has made the plight of the world’s snakes a priority for the year 2013…and help is being sought from interested snake enthusiasts, regardless of experience.
Read more here Snake Conservation in 2013 - The ?Year of the Snake? Begins That Reptile Blog
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Thanks, Frank
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