"Snake Eyed" SS


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
JMG has a "snake eyed" SS for sale. Up to this point I thought all SS had solid black eyes. Has any one else seen or heard of this before? What do think this will do the snow gene? Could it be possible that the actual snake eye/eclipse gene snuck it's way into the snow gene?

Fourth gecko down on the left:


New Member
Stitch said:
JMG has a "snake eyed" SS for sale. Up to this point I thought all SS had solid black eyes. Has any one else seen or heard of this before? What do think this will do the snow gene? Could it be possible that the actual snake eye/eclipse gene snuck it's way into the snow gene?

Fourth gecko down on the left:


Nice but that puts a spanner in the works dose't it ?? :main_huh: was comfused on the eclipse tpye thing now i'm just lost :help: .I thought the full eclipse in the super snow when side by side with the CoDom ??:main_huh: .


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Gazz said:

Nice but that puts a spanner in the works dose't it ?? :main_huh: was comfused on the eclipse tpye thing now i'm just lost :help: .I thought the full eclipse in the super snow when side by side with the CoDom ??:main_huh: .

That is confusing ^^.

From my understanding the MS have normal eyes unless they are crossed with blizzards or RAPTORS. Every single SS that I have seen has had solid black eyes. So like I said this is just going to muddy the water.

bro paul

Atlanta, GA
We hatched a mack snow bell albino with a snake eye a few weeks ago. I'm fairly certain there would be no eclipse gene from the Bell side...so, I'm basically clueless as to how the snake eyed trait got in there. I'm thinking it was from the mack influence...maybe?


New Member
Meny people i'm sure jmgreaptile has bred super snow's to RAPTOR's to see what happens could this be one of the things that happen's ? could the tremper eclipse be more dominant than the super snow black eye ?.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I agree that JMG could have crossed a snow & RAPTOR, but they list their animals if they are het for anything. Atleast according to their website. So if this one was crossed I'd figure them to state that it is possible het for RAPTOR/APTOR.


JMG does some strange things from time to time... In the past Ive seen them with a "giant hatchling that hatched out at like 135grams" which they had for sale on their site. I talked to a guy who bought from them and he told me that he asked them about that one because he was intrested in buying it and they told him that it was a joke and sometimes they put up jokes on their sales pages just to be funny.

This one may or may not be a joke, I dont know. But I wonder why they dont have eye shots of this ss?


i think the only one as of last year to cross the Raptor to the super snow was alberto from A&M and to this point i dont think a super snow raptor has hatched. he has posted pictures of the snow raptor and the snow eclipse. we will see this year im sure what all will come out of that. :D


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
okapi said:
JMG does some strange things from time to time... In the past Ive seen them with a "giant hatchling that hatched out at like 135grams" which they had for sale on their site. I talked to a guy who bought from them and he told me that he asked them about that one because he was intrested in buying it and they told him that it was a joke and sometimes they put up jokes on their sales pages just to be funny.

This one may or may not be a joke, I dont know. But I wonder why they dont have eye shots of this ss?

Here is a link to the picture: http://www.jmgreptile.com/shop/prod_52.html

I know that they have done jokes in the past. But this one seems plausible. A 135 gram hatchling would be a world record for a leo and we all would have heard of it.


Morph Freak!
Phoenix, Arizona

is also my understanding that not all Mack Blizzards (Snow(x1) Blizzards) are black eyed.

I was trying to do some research on the project and one of the breeders I talked with said all of his had black eyes, but he knew of other breeders who had produced Mack Blizzards with normal eyes.....

Gecko Genetics are crazy :juggle2:


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
giantkeeper said:
is also my understanding that not all Mack Blizzards (Snow(x1) Blizzards) are black eyed.

I was trying to do some research on the project and one of the breeders I talked with said all of his had black eyes, but he knew of other breeders who had produced Mack Blizzards with normal eyes.....

Well I know that Blizzards sometimes have solid or partial black eyes. The Mack Snows don't have black eyes from what I have seen, it's the Super Snows that have solid black eyes. I guess you could wind up with Mack Blizzards with solid or partial black eyes when you mix in the Blizzard gene.

What I'm talking about is the Super Snow having partial black eyes with no mention of it carrying the Blizzard or RAPTOR/APTOR genes that could over throw the SS genes.

bro paul

Atlanta, GA
I have one Mack Blizzard male that I got from Pat Kline with normal eyes. He's definitely a proven Mack Blizzard now that he's producing Mack offspring :)


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
okapi said:
JMG does some strange things from time to time... In the past Ive seen them with a "giant hatchling that hatched out at like 135grams" which they had for sale on their site. I talked to a guy who bought from them and he told me that he asked them about that one because he was intrested in buying it and they told him that it was a joke and sometimes they put up jokes on their sales pages just to be funny.

This one may or may not be a joke, I dont know. But I wonder why they dont have eye shots of this ss?

Oh yeah Jeff Sr and Jeff Jr do put up joke animals. Their newest joke is a rubber octopus int a deli cup that they take to the shows with them. The thing does look real and get's many people hanging around to look at it. It's a good gimmick and does tend to get many people to look at their site and their booth.


Bells Rule!
bro paul said:
I have one Mack Blizzard male that I got from Pat Kline with normal eyes. He's definitely a proven Mack Blizzard now that he's producing Mack offspring :)

Sweetness! :main_thumbsup:


Black Velvet
Why does it have to be a raptor cross? We all know the eclipse genes from red stripe and PRS, and we all know he got striped mack snows, so this can be a striped super snow with snake eye. I can't see anything strange at all...



New Member
Lottiz said:
Why does it have to be a raptor cross? We all know the eclipse genes from red stripe and PRS, and we all know he got striped mack snows, so this can be a striped super snow with snake eye. I can't see anything strange at all...


The stange part its the snake eye on a MACK SUPER SNOW not a mack snow maybe not that stratnge in the future but if this is not a joke it the first simple the rules for the mack snow so far have been.
normal eyed mack snow X normal eyed mack snow = 25%FULL black eyed super snow,50%normal eyed mack snow,25%normal.as till this point all super snows have had full black eyes it may well be a joke or a one off freak only future will tell.Also all super snows are striped i've never seen one with out the stripe affect.

I was not saying that it was a raptor x super snow etc but i bet they have done this crossing and just saying what if the tremper eclipse gene was more dominant than the super snow black eyes as a possible expernation.But that dosen't seem to be the case anyway by there discription on the leo's genetic history.
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New Member
420Geckos said:
Super Snows aren't always striped. I've seen several with speckled patterns.

Where you got a pic ??.
I don't dirrectly mean the spotting i've seen more lined and more spotted ones.I mean the under shadow look at the under shadow that force's the spot/line what ever to follow in a striped fashion.Look at the under pattern(shadowing) super snow don't have band that go from one side of the body to the other.Thay have long band either side going down each side of the body.What i mean is i've never seen a mack super snow with the more typical leo bandding it's the bands either side that make a stripe style.
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