Snow crossing questions


New Member
I've just got a Mack Snow het Bell yesterday. :D
I'm looking to buy another snow to pair with it. Currently, there is only a Snow Engima for sale. If I cross both, I get :

6.25% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
12.5% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
6.25% Super Snow het Bell Albino
12.5% Mack Snow het Bell Albino
6.25% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy)
12.5% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy)
6.25% Super Snow
12.5% Mack Snow
6.25% Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
6.25% Normal het Bell Albino
6.25% Enigma (1 Copy)
6.25% Normal

I love ALL the above morphs!!

1. Assuming that I target to create Super Snow, Super Snow Engima, Mack Snow, Mack Snow Engima, Engima ... Is there a difference in morph quality to do the above (e.g. small % of many morph offsprings), or is it better to do it step-by-step (e.g. high % of few morph offsprings)?

2. I heard that you must feed Enigma crickets, cause they don't eat meal worms or super worms. Is this true?? I don't like crickets :main_angry:. I rather NOT have Engima than to feed crickets.:(

3. Assuming that Enigma feed only on crickets. Would Snow Engima or het Engima also have the same issues?


New Member
Not sure about the percentage questions, but I highly doubt that enigmas will only feed on crickets. Every leo is different and they usually develop their own feeder preferences.


New Member
Not sure about the percentage questions, but I highly doubt that enigmas will only feed on crickets. Every leo is different and they usually develop their own feeder preferences.

Good to know ... that guy who gave me the info was a very reputable local breeder, and he immediately put me off for an Engima.

Lake Worth, FL
Um. The thing that u were told about Enigmas only eating crickets is 100% untrue. I only feed superworms to my geckos as a regular staple diet, and i have quite a few enigmas in my collection.

He might have said it the other way around... and maybe what he meant was that some Enigmas can't eat crickets due to how fast they can be, if the Enigma has heavy "Enigma Issues"...?? Maybe thats what it was. Because i know someone that has an Enigma as his pet and he can only feed worms to it, because it is just too slow and "wobbly"... and so when it tries to strike at the crickets, it is too slow. But yeah, thats deffinately not true about them not eating worms. Some leo's develop different food preferences, but thats just like u or me liking or not liking a food... Has nothing to do with the morph.


New Member
This forum is GREAT!!! Why do I always get lousy advice from local breeders?! Sigh.

Lucky I have you guys!!

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