So do you want to see my Manx cats? all 25 of them????

  • Thread starter sacredcreatures
  • Start date


Hello everyone! SORRY About the ANGRY face in the title. I didn't mean it and do not know how that happen. Isn't this great that we have a cat forum now. Thanks Kelli!!!!! I have many cats... Why do I have so many, you ask? because I am a Manx cat breeder and I also show in the Cat Fancy Association. My cats are CFA registered Manx cats( the cats without a tail) from the Isle of Man in the UK. Anyways I won't show all of them today, but here are a few of my cats: First picture is of my Grand Champion Sacred Purr's Sundancer, He is a Red Classic Tabby dimple rumpy Manx male. And my best buddy, unfortunately he gets blocked sometimes so he eats special food and I pray I don't lose him to soon. Next is Champion Sacred Purr's Apache, she is a calico dimple rumpy manx female. My daughter's favorite! My husband took the picture using his phone and added the film. Its a cute picture. Then we have the two brothers Sacred Purr's Ukiah and Sacred Purr's Yuqui, both are black and white manx rumpies and haven't been shown yet And Then we have Champion Sacred Purr's Gothic. He is a longhaired black smoke dimple rumpy manx male. Longhaird Manx used to be called the Cymric ( pronounced Kimrick). But now in CFA we just called them longhaired. He is a sweet boy and lastly we have Champion Sacred Purr's Diamond she is a pure white dimple rumpy female manx. I enjoy this breed because they are very dog like. They love to fetch and enjoy playing in water and actually will protect their owners. I have owned manx cats for many years, I just love this breed and thats why I enjoy breeding and showing them. By now I figured you guessed my cattery name " Sacred Purr" Thanks for looking and I'll be sure to show more pictures of my babies later on. Deb :D
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I was expecting 25 and only see 6, what a rip-off:p. But seriously, they are beautiful. I don't know how you walk around your house with 25 cats, I have two and I trip over them all the time!


Oh my! I do not have 25 cats in my house! Wow that would be very hard to walk around especially right now with a stress fracture to my spine! I have a cattery( they have a house of their own). But kittens are born and raised in the house so they get alot of human contact and come in contact with all of my other animals and reptiles). My geckos and beardies are in one big room in my house and thats hard enough. I will show more pics of my Manx babies soon, Too many at once to download and I Just do not have alot of time right now. Deb
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Beautiful cats Deb

I look forward to seeing more pics of them
<hint hint>

We need an update !!

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