So how do you do it???


New Member
I've got multiple juvies hatched out. THey have their own humid hides with moist papertowel in them. 2 of them are having shed issues. one has lot a few toes. they tried to shed and pulled the skin over their toes like mittens. I've tried to soak them in a small amt. of water then tease off the skin. But their toes are SO friggin small...any suggestions?


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
how long have you soaked them? i had to soak my 5 month old male for almost twenty minutes. i had to keep changing the water too b/c it kept getting too cold.

this might help, i kno it did for me....i bought a pair of the really good tweezers, like the one to pluck out fine hairs and whatnot. it really helped me out when i bought those. I got them at family dollar, and they only cost me like two dollars. :)

ive also noticed that sometimes its easier if they have stuck shed on thier feet, to try and hold them upright and grab the skin from the bottom of the foot. sometimes it comes off easier for me that way.

here's how i soak my geckos....

for the feet, i get the water going and plug up the sink (stick a tissue in the over flow hole, i'm paranoid) and fill up the water a bit so thier feet stay in the water. since leos dont have sticky feet...haha, they cant get out of the sink

for underbelly/tail, i get a tubberware container and fill it with water and stick the leo in there with the lid on NOT tight, but just setting on it so they dont get any big ideas.

i have had to get shed off the eyelid...i used a wet q-tip for that.

wow, that was long. but i hope i helped.

Good Luck :)

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