So I got this little guy... here he is eating!


New Member
I just guy this guy a few weeks ago. Here he is hunting for a cricket.. and just being a lazy bum in his cave.

Any ideas what morph? I think s/he is some tangerine of some kind.

Disclaimer: I know a bunch of you will call me out on the sand... I just got a kit and thats all I have for now. I am working of getting it some repti carpet of some kind in the near future. So far he eats and poops like a little machine so no concerns!

also any tips on getting him to not freak out on me? he basically goes nuts every time I try to grab him.. On the picture posted he promtly jumped kamikaze style towards the cactus... I kinda leave him alone now...


New Member
Glendale, AZ
cute! :)

Also, on a side note, props to you for wanting to chance to repti carpet, but until you can do so(or even instead of, for sanitary purposes) switch the sand to paper towels :) Its cheap, and I'm pretty sure you have some in the house. I don't know anyone who doesn't :main_laugh: Paper towel is also more sanitary than using repti carpet, because repti carpet can never really be fully "cleaned". It is a bacteria hideout, and bacteria will get trapped in the fibers and thrive. Down the line later, if you want to go for looks, you can always get slate :) It looks pretty, is a great heat conductor, and easy to clean and sanitize. You need to get your leo off the sand ASAP, because even though he's fine now, every time he goes after a cricket he ingests some sand, and every time he tastes his environment, same thing; more sand. Sand + crickets=big chance/risk of impaction. Just some tips :main_thumbsup:

P.S. if the kit you bought comes with lights for the leo, get rid of the lights, invest in a UTH(under tank heater), and a controlling device(dimmer switch, rheostat, thermostat)
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