So much information and still I have questions


New Member
Weymouth MA
Today I removed the sand from Hidey's home & replaced it with paper towels. There is moss beneath his hide which I spray to keep it moist. Is a single layer OK with the UTH?

The UTH company recommends using a layer for reptile mat. Yes or no?

I bought mealworms (15 cents each at my local shop!). I'm pretty sure if I put 20 in the tank, he'd eat them all right now. He went through 6 as I dropped them in. I've put 5 in a dish with some calcium in it. Do geckos know when to stop or is it my responsibility to limit the number of mealies? (FYI: I did read the very infomative 6 page discussion on this).

That's it for today since I've blown through my gecko budget this week. Thanks once again for humoring a newbie with your responses :)


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
moosassah said:
Today I removed the sand from Hidey's home & replaced it with paper towels. There is moss beneath his hide which I spray to keep it moist. Is a single layer OK with the UTH?

The UTH company recommends using a layer for reptile mat. Yes or no?

Do you have a thermostat? If you do, you don't need to worry about it. If not, you may want to add another layer or two. Either way, watch how your leo reacts. If he is usually over there and now goes somewhere closer to the center, it maye be too hot for him. A temp gun might be a good investment, also.

I bought mealworms (15 cents each at my local shop!). I'm pretty sure if I put 20 in the tank, he'd eat them all right now. He went through 6 as I dropped them in. I've put 5 in a dish with some calcium in it. Do geckos know when to stop or is it my responsibility to limit the number of mealies? (FYI: I did read the very infomative 6 page discussion on this).

That's it for today since I've blown through my gecko budget this week. Thanks once again for humoring a newbie with your responses :)

15 cents per mealworm is a very nice price. At least for small amounts. You can give him as many as he wants. if he overeats, it will only happen that one time most likely and he will learn what he can handle. I keep my mealie dish full at all times. This has in turn reduced the number of crickets she eats, but thats ok.

P.S. Don't feel bad about asking questions. We would much rather know you are taking good care of her than just guessing.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
To properly use a UTH it should be controlled by either a Thermostat or a Rheostat. Other wise the UTH will just heat up to it hottest temp.

A T-stat allows you to set the temperature with a gauge. If you want 90 degrees turn it to 90. The T-stat should come with a probe, sit the probe on top of the UTH and it will controll the temp.

A R-stat usually has a low-medium-high setting. You have to set it to one of those settings give it a few hours to heat up. Then you need to measure the temperature (temp gun works best IMO). If it is too hot then you need to lower the setting or if it's too cold then vice versa. I personaly have 2-3 layers of paper towel over top the UTH on the low setting and I get a consistent 88-91 degree reading on the temp gun.


New Member
Weymouth MA
I do have a thermometer in there. It reads between 80-90 most of the time. Thanks again for the info. & willingness to repeat yourselves.
Next purchases: thermostat followed by a temp gun.


New Member
LOL i cant imagine a dollar 50 for 10 mealies. I get mine online for like, less than a cent each.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
LeosForLess said:
LOL i cant imagine a dollar 50 for 10 mealies. I get mine online for like, less than a cent each.

Wow I feel stupid now. Yeah, 15 cents/mealie is extremely high. You should go to Petco, or at least look around to compare prices. I get 100 for just over $2.50 at Petco.


New Member
Weymouth MA
Yes, after reading your posts somewhere else here I realized that I was being taken for a ride! I'm all for supporting the little local guy, but not when they are stickin' it to ya. PetCo is a bit of a ride, but it'll be worth the price difference.

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