so sad!!


New Member
Central Florida
I have a 6 year old son who is bi-polar, Oppositional defiant disorder, sever adhd and reactive speech disorder. He sees 1 therapist weekly another one bi-weekly and another one monthly. He is on 3 different meds 2 in the am one in the afternoon and one at night. well my husband took a new job and my son lost his health care. Im trying to get him more but having 3 kids and the economy im strapped as it is but until I find something I have to come up with everything out of pocket so im forced to sell off my geckos I have to cut finance everywhere I can because health care is not cheap. I have a appointment on 7/27 to try for disablity for him but I heard that can take up to a year. Im going to miss my babies but im not selling the enclosures, any supplies or the incubator so if I ever get back on my feet I will be prepared to get one or two to cure my broken heart. I plan to stick around the forum if thats alright. Im so going to miss my babies :bigcry:


New Member
I'm so sorry Jenn.. Have you tried looking into low cost healthcare... Medicare/Medicad which ever it is or have you searched any small non profit clinics that can help? They need to do something about this countries healthcare system soon.


New Member
Central Florida
we dont qualify for low income health care because my husband makes 100 dollars a month over the limit. we are trying to find some sort of resource to help us out but that is next to impossible. I called Medicaid to ask them for any resources they may have and they told me there is nothing they can do to help. I just cant believe their is nothing out there for families like ours.


No One of Consequence
Maybe it would be worth it for your husband to take a 100.00 a month paycut if it enabled you to get the help you need.

If it would, have him talk to his boss.

60 miles south of Chicago
Well, for one thing, you are in Florida, and that HAS TO BE one of the LEAST helpful states for this sort of thing.

Have you done a search for ADHD groups online?
If you find one, they might be able to guide you to a resource that could help you.
There ARE groups out there that can help, I'm just not sure of what they are.
But in this day and age, there ARE groups out there.
There HAS TO BE.
They just might not be in Florida.

we dont qualify for low income health care because my husband makes 100 dollars a month over the limit. we are trying to find some sort of resource to help us out but that is next to impossible. I called Medicaid to ask them for any resources they may have and they told me there is nothing they can do to help. I just cant believe their is nothing out there for families like ours.


New Member
Canandaigua NY
Hi Jenn,
I can relate... I have an 11 year old son with ADHD and recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
I work as a teacher's aide 5 hours a day throughout the school year, and after paying health insurance for the family (partially paid by the school district) my paycheck is squat. I work just to pay the health insurance. Sad.
Have you thought about talking with your doctor(s)? They may be able to put you in touch with the pharmacutical companies who can help.
Hopefully you're noticing a difference with your son. I know how tough that can be... believe me, I know!


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
I'm sorry that you guys are going through this right now because times are so tough that its really hard to stay afloat without drowning ... we don't have health care either but we don't have kids either and yes florida is the least helpful state when it comes to things for government help unless your well I'm going to say now lol
But u get my drift on that ... quite annoying really because me and my husband don't make crap so soon we are going to see if we qualify for some help with food and stuff.. because we can barely buy food anymore. I'm sorry that you have to sell your geckos I iwsh we had some money I would buy some from you but we are in a jam if you have any left when we get steady money I wouldn't mind figuring out what u have... I hope everyhting starts going better for you because I florida is a b**ch with anything its hard to get job or anything even a butt wiper they want u to have 3 to 5 yrs experience of (working) experience lol its so annoying

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