So skinny and not eating well



I recently got my first leopard gecko in May. I believe it is a female, but not 100% sure. Anyways she has never been a big eater and recently she has quit eating everything. It has gotten so bad that her tail is about the size of a sharpened pencil tip and the skin on her sides are shriveling up :( I've fed her mealworms, crickets, waxworms, and recently I even tried Zoo Med's Leopard Gecko food which is basically dried fruit flies. She hasn't eaten anything in 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. Her cage has two hides, a cool one and a warm one, with damp moss in the cool side. The temps on the warm side are about 90-95 degrees and no warmer than 98 degrees, it is an UTH. Since it has gotten so bad I have been feeding her Repta-Aid with a syringe, but I haven't seen her appetite change. Please help me if you can, I'll take any information there is to offer. If you need more information just let me know I'll do my best to give it to you. I'm going to put a few pictures up so you can see for yourself.


Gamer momma
I would try getting a fecal sample done. In the meantime, check out the sticky for the gecko slurry. Hopefully she'll eat some of that so you can get a sample for the vets.


Thanks, I'm going to try to do that, but it's hard because I'm at college right now and it is in a small town. I was also wondering why she hasn't grown at all prior to this happening. I got her in May and I was looking at some breeder's pictures of available geckos that were hatched in June and they are a WHOLE lot bigger than mine. Should I be doing something different to get her to grow, once I get her to eat?

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