Some days I hate customers



Today I had a woman come in and ask if I knew what would cause a Uromastyx is have a runny nose and breath weird. I asked how it was housed, she told me it's in a 20 long with her Iguana, but they they get along fine. I tried for 45minutes to explain to her the difference between Iguana care requirements and Uro requirements, to no avail. She didn't even know what the temps were in her tank. They are so many, many things wrong with this. ~shakes head~
About 20 minutes later a woman comes in and is looking at the tokay gecko. She says "I have one of these and they are evil." I responded with "yes they are: I've heard them called the pit bulls of the geckos world." Then she says "but he gets along fine with everything else." Ummm....what else is near him? she says "Oh, not near him-with him. I have him, 2 anoles, 2 crested geckos, a golden gecko, a day gecko, some tree frogs, and I think 2 leopard geckos in a big tank." Then she walked away. I was stunned!!!!
But one the bright side......
A woman came in with her 10 y/o son on Friday. She asked me if they could look at the leopard geckos. I took down the tank and picked up one of them and the little boys says " Yes! I wanted a normal!" It was, in fact a normal. She said "well, lets get him and then go get the tank and stuff." The little boys says "Mom, everything I've read says that you haved to have the tank set up first!" I walked around with him and helped him pick out everything he needed for a leo tank. His mom suggested Calci Sand and he told her that it would kill a gecko. He knew that they needed a heat pad, not lights and that a heat rock is bad. It was so great!! He came in today and told me that his cage was 90 degrees and 75 degrees and that he made a cool humid hide. He got his gecko and I have never seen anyone more excited. It was a good way to end a very crappy day.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
In response to the first 2 cases...It astounds me that people this stupid are still alive. Youd think they would have fatally wounded themselves from lack of common sense by now...

On another note, that reminds me of me when I was 10...>_< ahhhh the simple years.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Hahaha isn't great to see younger kids telling off their supposedly "all knowing parents" in situations such as these? HAHAHA what a great story thanks for sharing!


Yes-thanks so very much for sharing that really positive story

The first two unfortunately are atypical

When I was at NARBC in Tinley Park -I saw a man with a beautiful bearded dragon on his arm walking around
He was for sale(the dragon-not the man) and I overheard a woman asking about general care
The man actually replied to her that the dragon would do fine on crickets and some romaine lettuce fed occasionally
I was aghast

go figure people




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