Some more what do you gets?


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
What do you get if you cross __?
(red stripe x hybino reverse stripe het Aptor)

Reverse striped Hybino het Aptor x reverse striped jungle albinos.
Not even worried about the aptor genetics right now.
I think they would look like a combo between the 2 parents?

Reverse stripe Albino x Red stripe?
wouldn't you get red stripe "normal Looking" hatchlings
het reverse stripe albinos. or would only 1/2 be het? Then if you breed those hets together( same type of het different blood line) wouldn't you get some Albino reverse stripes some red stripes, and a some what of a red striped albino. Would it have carried the red stripes gene to the albino side?
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spykerherps said:
What do you get if you cross __?
(red stripe x hybino reverse stripe het Aptor)

Reverse striped Hybino het Aptor x reverse striped jungle albinos.
Not even worried about the aptor jean right now.
I think they would look like a combo between the 2 parents?

Reverse stripe Albino x Red stripe?
wouldn't you get red stripe "normal Looking" hatchlings
het reverse stripe albinos. or would only 1/2 be het? Then if you breed those hets together( same type of het different blood line) wouldn't you get some Albino reverse stripes some red stripes, and a some what of a red striped albino. Would it have carried the red stripes gene to the albino side?

1) stripes, reverse stripes, and patternless stripes. all het albino

2)reverse striped jungle ??? what do you mean by a reverse stripe jungle?
The APTOR morph isnt a single gene, its a combination of many traits, both linebred and recessive.

3) reverse stripe and red stripe are both linebred polygentic traits, there is no real het form. And if it were a recessive gene, they would be 100% hets, not 50%. 50% hets come from 100% het X normal breedings. Reverse stripe albino X red stripe = reverse stripe, red stripe, and patternless stripe all 100% het albino.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
The reverse stripe is from the jungle gene. Is it not? I have a female jungle albino and a tangerine albino male I bread those a couple years ago and hatched out 1 complete reverse stripe 1 broken reverse stripe and another with partial reverse. So their carrying the jungle gene but showing the stripe. Hence reverse stripe jungle. Aren't the reverse stripe albinos line bread from the jungles?


New Member
Hanover, PA
stripe and jungle go together, like when i breed my reverse stripe to my co dom tremper jungle I can get stripes, reverse stripes, and jungles, maybe even possibly a patternless

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