some pics and rant


New Member
Right now i have all 3 of my male faties in the cages next to each other
male 1- lives to the left of my other juv. male and has bascially gone on hunger stikes. First i thought he may of just not liked the paper as a substrate or something was just off so i decided to switch him on to coco like all my other fat tails. The first 2 week he was eating the roaches along with the phonix and meal worms but during the last week or so he has not been eating. I think he may be getting stressed out by the bigger male juvie i have next to him, so i moved him today to another part of my rake. I didnt want to take him out and stress him out to get pics

heres the bigger one, hes around 35-36 grams



The strange thing about this guy is he prefers only meal and super worms but he did start eating roaches but now wont touch them. Besides that change he is one nice guy and i hope to pair him up with one of the banded normals or even a nice tang albino i have.

Heres my male and female albino stripe, i have been putting him with a few girls the last few weeks. When he was by him self he got up to 60 grams but now is down to 54 and at the end of the week he will be going to live by himself.


All my other females were hiding or in the other rake (nice looking rake) and didnt feel like going to get them. All the rakes are kept at 92F, leos are kept on paper and fat tailes are kept on the coco stuff. All my females are more aggressive eaters compared to my males and all my females are in the 45-65 gram ranges.


heres the crappy one, it was a cage originally for raising up a trio of Egyptian uros 5 months ago but i didnt feel like taking it down so i just took out most of the vinyl and all the dirt. So im a person who doesn't like to waste crap and i just did a quick put together.

In the corner in the incubator i have a hole bunch of banded gecko eggs and some fat tailed eggs


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