Some Really Crazy Stuff In My Life



I have had the weirdest year so far
I have had both wonderful and not so great stuff happen to me
The latest in perplexing things is that my Ebay account was hijacked
I received a letter from EBay today telling me that there has been unauthorized activity on my EBay account
Thankfully it only involved someone using my account to post around 6 cell phones for sale
I still can't figure out how they got access to my password or into my account or why they would want to use my not very active account but it is a sickening feeling
Of course I went in and changed everything security-wise and EBay had to re-instate my account as it was closed until I replied to their emails and they even go so far as a confirmation phone call to the number that you originally register with
I am in the middle of one transaction for a used 150 gig external HD that I won at a mere $40 and my gmail account might have also been compromised because I have not received any replies to the emails that I have sent the seller concerning payment that I am supposed to make tomorrow
Firtunately i have a sepatate Gmail account just for EBay

I don't know how far that these people can go with finding out info from an EBay account as the info is supposed to be encrypted but I am very glad that my on line payment source for everything through PayPal is a pre-paid Visa card which means that I never have a balance on it more than a few dollars after making a purchase and the only time that I put money on it is right before I am going to use it
Any attempts to use it without any money actually being put on the card are denied and even if I had a regular credit card-one pf my mistakes in life was always paying cash for everything so I have no credit-I doubt that I would use it on-line with all of the theft going on

Either on-line scammers are more active or I am becoming super aware of them due to this and the problem that I had with my last gecko purchase and I think that I am going to take a rest from purchasing anything on-line for a while

The most annoying thing is that It took most of the day to get this all figured out and I can't imagine the horror of having your identity stolen and the mess that you would have to wade through with that

Well-I'm off to feed the geckos
I hope that everyone has a good night and keep an eye on your on-line accounts
These days it seems that there are plenty pf people doing just about anything that they can to get over on you



Thanks Jeanine
So far everything else seems to be untouched

fingers crossed



Somebody recently got ahold of my mum's credit card number through the net. They were idiotic enough to buy with it a pam pilot and have it shipped to their house using their actual name. So after shipping a police report they caught the guy. And since it was over 500 dollars it was a felony.

Stupid people are ignorant enough to abuse things that arent their own.


Guest the brightest thief-now was he ?

Sorry to hear about your Mom having her credit card info stolen and I am sure glad that they caught the guy
Thankfully-everything seems to be back to normal with my accounts


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