Something weird happened to my friend's gecko...

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
My friend just told me something weird that his gecko did today, so I decided to ask all of you about it here.

He has a hatchling, which he's only had for four days. When he tried lifting the paper towel(which he uses as a substitute for peat moss) so he could wet it, but the hatchling wouldn't walk off it. So he made the paper towel steep so it would walk off. Instead, it stuck its tongue out and kinda swung it around several times. Then it shook, kinda like a dog shaking water off itself. It kinda scared/disturbed him. It just didn't look natural.

Is this something he should worry about? Why did it do it anyways?

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
Golden Gate Geckos said:
It sounds like the gecko was trying to regurgitate. Perhaps it had just shed and had skin stuck in it's throat?
It hasn't shed for three weeks though.
And he said he only shook after he tried lifting the paper towel(though the gecko was still holding onto it.).


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Chibi Alien Monster said:
It hasn't shed for three weeks though.
And he said he only shook after he tried lifting the paper towel(though the gecko was still holding onto it.).

Wait, I'm confused. It was a hatchling he only had for 4 days, but it hadn't shed in 3 weeks? How do you know that? Has this thing ever happened again? If it was a one-time thing, I doubt it is anything to worry about. Everything else seem ok?

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
Scott&Nikki said:
Wait, I'm confused. It was a hatchling he only had for 4 days, but it hadn't shed in 3 weeks? How do you know that? Has this thing ever happened again? If it was a one-time thing, I doubt it is anything to worry about. Everything else seem ok?
Sorry. He asked one of the employees how long it has been since the gecko has shed.
And yes, everything else is okay, other than it's a bit skinny, because it hasn't eaten at all since he first got it.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Chibi Alien Monster said:
Sorry. He asked one of the employees how long it has been since the gecko has shed.
And yes, everything else is okay, other than it's a bit skinny, because it hasn't eaten at all since he first got it.

Where did he get it? And has he taken it to a vet to get a fecal check?


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Well, coming from a pet store, he should deffinately have it checked out. He needs to make sure he is not eating because of a parasite or something. It could very well be that it is still getting used to it's new home, but like I said, coming from a pet store he needs to make sure. And I wouldn't worry about that first problem you asked about unless it keeps happening.

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
Scott&Nikki said:
Well, coming from a pet store, he should deffinately have it checked out. He needs to make sure he is not eating because of a parasite or something. It could very well be that it is still getting used to it's new home, but like I said, coming from a pet store he needs to make sure. And I wouldn't worry about that first problem you asked about unless it keeps happening.
I (and him) thought he wasn't eating just because he had to "adjust to his settings" like so many/all other geckos.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Chibi Alien Monster said:
I (and him) thought he wasn't eating just because he had to "adjust to his settings" like so many/all other geckos.

Like I said, that is very possible, in fact its probable. But as you may or may not have seen especially recently, is that pet stores for the most part do not take care of their geckos correctly. They are housed together making it very easy for the entire group to get infections/parasites that one of the geckos my have acquired. I HIGHLY recommend the vet visit for the health of the leo. Even if it was eating just fine, I would still recommend it as I'm sure many others on this forum would too.
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New Member
A hatchling going 3 weeks w/out shed is a while. Coulda come out of cloaca or out of mouth like marcia said, regurge

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