sometimes i hate my job!!!


caffeine zombie
i work in a pet store as one of my two jobs and it's causing me to further lose my faith in humanity. some "pet parents" are so stupid! people say things like "oh it doesn't matter it will be dead by then any way" when trying to buy pets from me ALL THE TIME. :main_angry:

just yesterday someone wanted to buy a panther gecko for their 5 year old... the habitat was just too expensive so they said "oh it's just a stupid gecko, it's not going to matter any way because it will probably be dead in a week."

pets =/= toys!!! i don't care if it's "just a fish" or "just a gecko" it's still going to feel the pain from being abused.


I question all things.
People are so ignorant. I hate how they don't even value the lives of reptiles.. Like they're insects! (No offense to you invertebrate owners)

A life is a life, no matter how small.


caffeine zombie
it's mostly the fish people who are like that... but there are plenty of people who feel that way about smaller reptiles, amphibians, insects and arachnids. funny how most don't feel this way about the tiny mammals though... psh, that "stupid gecko" is 10,000 times nicer than a robo dwarf hamster.

anything that isn't "cute and furry" seems to matter less to more than a few people. i can't imagine why people would be willing to spend so much money on them when they feel this way. why buy a $30 animal that you're just going to kill? save it for gas or food, heck donate it to charity or stuff it up your bum. all better uses than killing a poor little creature that looks to you for care.

at least where i work i am allowed to refuse a sale if i feel the animal will not be cared for properly. doesn't help that a certain retail giant that is always cutting prices is right next door. after refusing a sale of a gold fish a grown adult man went next door, bought a fish, came back, shoved it in our faces and danced around singing "ha ha ha, ha ha ha, look what i got, ha ha ha!"


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
Human beings, adopting such baseless arrogance due to egocentric notions of superiority, forget that they are a part of nature and hold the responsibility to act as stewards more so than merely owners of property. It's a gift that should be exercised. Not abused.


I`ve already lost most faith in the general public. Thats why I log on GeckoForums :)


New Member
The majority of people annoy me, Lol

But honestly a lot of people don't think about living things our how their actions affect other living things because they have their heads sooo far up their own behinds. I don't want to get married nor have kids, its going to be me and my pets!!!


New Member
I don't understand people!My dad was a huge animal lover(furry and non furry) and he always told me to respect ALL living things not just the cute ones . Being the sap that I am I cried when my pirahna- Baby Hermine-died at the ripe old age of 14.....atleast that seemed old for a fish. My grandson is almost 7 and he reminds me alot of my dad. He loves all the geckos but he was a little upset that they eat bugs. He worries that the bugs "suffer" when they get eaten. It was hard not to giggle at him when he asked me how I know that bugs don't think or hurt. He was very serious about it.


Weird how the world works...For some we are the weird ones for loving our

Dang Rubym I wish you were MY grandma...>_> All those fun animals...going to your house would be like going to the zoo (But better cause it would be grandmas house and I can force you to make me yummy snacks!) ^_^'

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

People are People

Faith in Humanity is a belief that by some means we will rise above what we currently are.

But, it is a belief.

I would not lose my Faith in Humanity but, I would not put all of my Faith in it either.

I guess it would be less offensive to say "That Stupid is as Stupid does." than to say that "People are so ignorant." or that "Some "pet parents" are so stupid!"

The problem is that People are People and what you sometimes see is what you get. Or "People are Like a Box of Chocolates."

Most People do not ever change. What they were at 10, they were at 15, they were at 20, they were at 25, etc.

Some people are People Persons, some are Visual Persons, some are Logical Persons, etc.

Some People focus on one thing to the point of it becoming an obsession.

Some People focus on their jobs, their friends, their spouse/significant other, their family, their kids, their pets, the Radio, the T.V., Sports, etc.

Given that People have "needs" that must be met and that to not act like a child in meeting those needs requires a little bit of disapline then, how can anyone expect more for People.

People do not do anything. It is individuals who get people to do something.

Since most people are lost unto themselves, how can you expect anything from them.

Most people want what they want, or they want someone else to do something for them, or they want the Government to do it, or they do not want to think about it, or they do not want to get off of their butt and do something about it.

Not thinking or just going from day to day or not being considerate of others or considerate of other living beings ... is what Humans and People have always done.

Most people do not think much outside of themselves.

As a Race the Human Race we have not evolved that far. As a Country we have not evolved that far either.

I have to agree with the statement above that "Human beings, adopting such baseless arrogance due to egocentric notions of superiority, forget that they are a part of nature and hold the responsibility to act as stewards more so than merely owners of property. It's a gift that should be exercised. Not abused."

One key part of this statement is that "We hold the responsibility to act as stewards more so than merely owners of property.?

We hold the Responsibility to act as Stewards?

To be Stewards you have to be involved.

To be Responsible you have to take ownership and not let someone else do it, not let the government do it and not assume that it will be done by someone else.

So for those who think outside of themselves, it is easy to become discourgaed with the rest

To think outside of yourself and to think about other's and to think about other creatures and to think about our environment, and to think about anything ... requires a person to be somewhat aware and to accept the responsibility.

So don't give up on the Great Sea of Humanity. And don't put all of your Faith in them either but, rather just hope that overtime that they will do better and become the Great Stewards that we should be.

Change takes time so practice the Golden Rule and Do unto other's as you would have them do to you and overtime by practicing Random Acts of Kindness you can change the World.

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