Soon to be new gecko owner


New Member
Hi, my name is Dan Snider. I live in Indianapolis Indiana and while I do not and have never owned a gecko I am putting the finishing touches on my terrarium which ill soon house my first crested gecko. Though I have no gecko experience I have prior experience owning Ball Pythons, turtles and toads. I joined this forum to try to get some helpful advice from those who have knowledge of geckos and can help me with any questions I might have. I look forward to sharing my experiences and learning new stuff as I go.


New Member
Southern USA
Welcome to the forum! There's a lot of helpful advice available here. I've had plenty of good advice from many members here when I first started with my reptiles. I haven't had a crested gecko before myself. They seem like interesting creatures though. I hope you find what you're looking for and hope you have a blast with the new crested gecko coming soon! :)

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