Spanish Moss?


Avid Leopard Gecko Keeper
Hello, Everyone I'm newer to these forums and am wondering if for a moist hide/laying box you could use spanish moss mixed with peat moss and coco peat? Would this just be a haven for parasites. I would change out the mix every week so no bacteria or mold could grow and I'd also stir it every day when I check for eggs.

Thanks for any replys!

P.s. I couldn't find anything with the search function. :p

Sincerely, Noah


New Member
I was using sphagnum moss but the pet store stopped carrying it (and it was EXPENSIVE anyway) and although they have a few other brands of moss for forest frogs or snakes I wasnt sure about using them so I just started using vermiculite. Its only $6 for a big bag at Home Depot. I actually like it better because those stinking crickets can't bury themselves down in it and avoid being dinner lol My females were actually laying their eggs outside the lay box (I tried proving one large lay box then even tried switching to 2 smaller ones) and I think it was because they either didn't like the moss or because the crickets. Anyway if your unsure maybe just try the vermiculite, lots of people on here use it.


jeeze...where are you guys finding vermiculite that cheap!?! lol a few stores around here are selling it for 30 bucks for a bag!

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