Sphaerodactylus elegans



Hello everyone,

I just obtained my first gecko. It's a neonate (so small!) S. elegans. I took possession one Dec. 25th. For the moment, I'm keeping it in a sweater box for QT and observations. Looks good so far, lol.I'll be moving it to an Exo-Terra on Jan. 13th.
I have it on a diet of termites, wingless melanogaster FF, and soil/leaf litter samples. I screen the samples for anything too large, or spiders. I think I'm going to cut down on the termites a bit though, it's starting to like them a little too much. I think I'll save them for a weekly treat. I do have a dietary question for the experienced out there...

Do they take any fruit in their diet? If so what kind and how? I read something about puree.
Also do they require UVB? I don't think so, given their nature, but I thought I should ask. I'll try to get some pictures up a little later today. It hides a lot, and I don't want to stress it out by chasing it with my camera. I am trying to photo document it's weekly growth though.
Thanks for reading,

ps~> I'll be taking a trip to my friend's place in Key West, in Feb. and I plan on bringing back a pair of Sphaeroes. So in the mean time, I brought home 9 Hemidactylus eggs to practice incubating :D I'll release them, once they hatch.



Here is the vivarium I set up for the S. elegans. It's an 12x12x18 exo-terra. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. The only thing I'm missing is a small bromeliad to attach on the upper wood. I have one juvi. right now. But I think I might keep it in it's sweater box for now, as I just found out I have an adult waiting for me. I just need to go pick it up. Before the adult became available, I was a little hestitant about putting the neonate in such a relatively large enclosure.



And bad shot of the specimen. I don't want to stress it out, so I didn't bother harassing it for decent pics. The coloration is due to stress from the intial transfer.




New Member
These are nice, I wanted to buy one some time ago, but I was discouraged by the fact that they are hard to see in the viv... good luck!


Thanks Isis. I've pretty much prepared myself for never seeing them. I'm hoping with the adults being bigger (2"-2 1/2"), I'll be able to see them more than the juvi. Either way, this species really appeals to me!



New Member
Congrats to that beautiful little gecko :)
I love Sphaerodactylus, they are for sure small gems.
I am happy to have 2 speices.....torrei and negropunctatus .


Those are very nice species you have. I especially like the S. torrei. Hopefully, I'll be aquiring both S. notatus and S. argus in Febuary, to complete my Florida trio :)

I wanted to get some practice incubating gecko eggs, so while I was out looking for snakes the other day, I brought home 9 Hemidactylus ssp. eggs. One of them hatched last night, so I must be doing something right.


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