


i know this isnt a herp but does anyone here also keep spiders? i say some at the daytona expo they are so cool and the guy said some are very doscile so i was just wondering if anyone here know a lot about them or knows a good place for information.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Yup! Theres a few of us crazy Tarantula folks out here! :D

What kind of info are you looking for?


idk he had one that was maybe 2" diameter or so and it had hair but not like the regular tarantula you would see the hair was more sparce and it had blue legs. i also would like one that i could hold (probably wouldnt hold it often but would like to have the option i guess)


P. metallica - Blue Sapphire Gooty <that one is sweet i was looking at your page


New Member
San Antonio
Great starter tarantulas would be brachypelmas or grammastolas. For the Brachys I love the Mexican Red Knees (B. smithi), or the Mexican red Rump (B. vagans), Honduran Curly hairs (B. albopilosum) is another good starter. when it somes to Grammys I love the Chaco Golden Knee (Grammastola aureostriata) these are good eaters very hardy and monster eaters, they are nice lookin too.
If you want an arboreal T I'd recommend either a Guyana Pink Toe (Avicularia avicularia) or a Antilles pink toe (Avicularia versiclor).


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Excellent recommendations, jblayza!
Those are some of the best, most easily handled Ts you could ever get. Now there are some types of Brachys that are not as easy as others, like B. klaasi. These are notorious hair flickers. But ones like B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) and B. emilia (Red Leg) are known to be as easy going as they come.
Grammastola pulchra are really nice and have a great temperment. But of all of the Grammies, Chacos are beautiful to look at and so easy to handle.
As for arboreals, you can't go wrong with pink toes (Avicularia). They can sometimes flick hair, but generally are really laid back. (And they have the cutest little ballet slippers!)
Pokies, like my P. metallica, are usually kept by the more "seasoned" keepers as they are a bit high-strung and have a more toxic venom the new world spiders. My lady usually will tolerate me fussing in her tank for about a minute, before she raises up in a threat stance and lets me know I have a limited amount of time to get out before she tries to kill me. ;)

Thanks for checking out my page, BTW! :D


New Member
San Antonio
T&KBrouse said:
Excellent recommendations, jblayza!
Those are some of the best, most easily handled Ts you could ever get. Now there are some types of Brachys that are not as easy as others, like B. klaasi. These are notorious hair flickers. But ones like B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) and B. emilia (Red Leg) are known to be as easy going as they come.
Grammastola pulchra are really nice and have a great temperment. But of all of the Grammies, Chacos are beautiful to look at and so easy to handle.
As for arboreals, you can't go wrong with pink toes (Avicularia). They can sometimes flick hair, but generally are really laid back. (And they have the cutest little ballet slippers!)
Pokies, like my P. metallica, are usually kept by the more "seasoned" keepers as they are a bit high-strung and have a more toxic venom the new world spiders. My lady usually will tolerate me fussing in her tank for about a minute, before she raises up in a threat stance and lets me know I have a limited amount of time to get out before she tries to kill me. ;)

Thanks for checking out my page, BTW! :D

Thanks, I would have to say pokies are my favorite of all. Good call on the G. pulchra I never got around to gettin one of those, they are beautiful though and said to be sweet hearts.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
jblayza said:
Thanks, I would have to say pokies are my favorite of all. Good call on the G. pulchra I never got around to gettin one of those, they are beautiful though and said to be sweet hearts.

Well if you're looking for a G. pulchra, we should be having babies here by next weekend! (Hopefully)
I'd be glad to hook you up with a sling when they're ready!:D


New Member
San Antonio
T&KBrouse said:
Well if you're looking for a G. pulchra, we should be having babies here by next weekend! (Hopefully)
I'd be glad to hook you up with a sling when they're ready!:D

Sounds great, those are the most beautiful all black t's in my opinion. Thanks for the kind offer:main_thumbsup:


A friend of mine keeps tarantulas, and he said one big warning for new people is that spiders are very brittle. Any small drop will kill them. When his spider kept trying to walk off the side of my hand, I decided that I would never have something that doesn't like being on my hand and can be hurt so badly by a fall. I was probably never going to be a tarantula keeper anyway, but that fact sealed my decision.



Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
man, i wish you 2 crazy bums would just use the normal names!!! hahahahaha joking, any way, i have a mexican red knee, goliath bird, chaco yellow strpe, and giant white knee (oh, by the way, the chaco i have is more aggressive than my goliath). all 4 of mine are INCREADABLE EATERS.

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