Starting my dubia colony!


New Member
I had been ordering dubia in one size but figured in the long run it will be easier to start a colony. I ordered 100 mixed size and got them in yesterday. Not gonna lie, the bigger ones creeped me out a bit. There were a handful of adult males, no adult females but there are a bunch of nymphs that are only 1 or 2 molts away from being an adult it looks like. My 9 year old thinks they are awesome. I walked in his room a little while ago to find him sitting on the floor with one of the males crawling up his arm. I've been showing him pictures online and showed him one link that showed how to sex nymphs and he has taken it upon himself to try to sort through the whole colony and sex them. It's adorable!!!


Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Haha great kid you have then. It would usually take about a full month to get the colony running and start breeding as they also take time to adjust in their new surroundings.

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