Starting over #2

Okay so crickets-
I used to feed him 5 crickets a day(dusted, of course) so here are my questions:
Is it possible that I dusted them too much? Could that be what made him sick?
Could the crickets carry diseases? Could that be why he died?
How should I gut load them? I usually just put a piece of celery in there.


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
If the crickets (or other feeders) were caught outside then there's a possibility they carried something. Whether the area is sprayed with pesticides or not. I gutload my feeders with greens (collard, mustard, and turnip), kale, and I use carrots or apples for moisture. Sometimes I throw in Flukers high calcium cricket gutload powder or dust the veggies with calcium.
If you were only using one supplement then he could have had a deficiency. This is my dusting regime for my feeders:
Sunday: multivitamin
Mon - Fri: calcium without D3
Saturday: Calcium with D3


New Member
There are several possible reasons why your gecko could have died prematurely, but without more information it is hard to tell you what it was. Crickets can get parasites. Many in the wild already have them, but pet store crickets can catch parasites too if you don't keep their enclosure secure.

However, it is possible that the crickets may not have been the problem at all. You have not told us much about your gecko's habitat set up...or your typical care schedule. I know that there are many experienced owners here on the forums that are happy to share their wisdom. Also, there are plenty of books written about leopard gecko care. Don't get another gecko until you have an idea of what went wrong with the first one. It would be sad to repeat the same mistake.
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