Still not eating..



Ok I know some of you seen my previous post about my Leo not eating and acting sick like, well I think she has taken a turn for the worst. I thought I seen her sneaking and eating but she isn't the crickets I had been throwing in there, well I found their hiding spot. All this time I thought she was eating when I wasn't looking and I found 6 crickets in a corner behind the little cold hide.

Her tail is getting REALLY skinny omg it's really bad looking, her color isn't good either. She has been using the bathroom but her poo is all white? Could this be because she is only eating the calcium powder?

I wish I could take a day off work to get her vet treatment, but I work 8-5 now and I can't take her an almost 2 hours away or ask to leave work early, which sucks even more.
Any suggestions could help me alot, thanks.

I guess if I have to I will ask off work, but they are going to get pissed I know :( Blah this sucks.


New Member
I agree get her on marcia's slurry. She may have parasites so a fecal needs to be done. Do you have any friends that can take her to the vet for you? If you can post a pic that would help too. I hope she recovers fast! good luck!


Here are some pics, I just got home from work and checked her first thing, I have a gut feeling it's going to be late for her I really do she isn't acting well at all. I don't know who I can ask to take her to the vet for me but I am off on saturday's so tomorrow at work I'm going to call around and see if there is any herp vets open on saturdays.

I'm going to try Marcia's slurry as well, a friend of mine gave me some (abanon)? sp? not sure how it's spelled and I've been giving her that to.

Here are the pics, she can hardly walk it seems and just looks so sad and unhappy never seen her this bad she acts like she doesn't even want to walk.



I'm baaaaaack!
Albon is used to treat coccidia. It's a pretty harsh medication (in my opinion) to give to a leopard gecko unless it has been diagnosed with coccidia. I would call the local vet clinic and see if they can at least do a fecal on a reptile, even if they aren't a "herp vet".

In the mean time, get some of that slurry in her.


Well the breeder I got my RLVPA from gave it to me after I explained what had been going on with her, I have given her about 3 drops of it in the past week and she did perk up a little bit.

I'm going to call some vets in the morn just to see if they will do a fecal for me, I called before and 3 said they didn't do reptiles at all, which sorta bothered me, I know ill find the right vet when no matter what animals they care for they will see her or at least do a fecal.

I have most of the stuff for the slurry, gotta go to a couple places tomorrow to get the rest.

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