Stop eating during winter?


New Member
South Florida
So usually my female leopard gecko eats like crazy and never wants to stop. But now that it's winter she just stopped eating. My other younger gecko still goes after food. But this one just stopped when it started getting cold. But I'm in south Florida and this winter hasn't been really cold, we've had a few cold days and the rest were just warm. This weekend has been one of the days where it's getting kinda cold. So yeah, she stopped eating and she's still active and shed just a week. Does anyone else's leopard gecko go off food in the winter? Thanks in advance.:)


New Member
My female is going through Brumation now. She stopped eating for over a week, then shed, now still doesn't have her appetite completely back. She's eating on occasion and been in her moist hide a lot. Didn't really notice this much of a difference previously, but she especially always at least slows down a little. My male on the other hand is not really different. Maybe eating a little less. They aren't loosing weight and all fecals and unrate's are fine. They seem as strong and as alert as ever. You just need to keep an eye on it and make sure it's not something more. The article above really gives a good explanation.

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