Stop the eggs?!



Perhaps this is a silly question but I have to ask it anyway....
Is there anything I can do to prevent my feeder criks from dropping eggs in my geckos home? I'm really not wanting a bunch of babies crawling all over the place in there! They're a pain in the butt! Should I only buy her the medium sized ones do you think?:main_huh:


Really? Yikes! I'm not sure where these eggs were. These tiny little criks just "appeared" day before yesterday and I swear they've gotten bigger since. I have no idea how may are in there but this morning on my Geckos (Sweetpea) toilet corner towel I counted 8 of 'em hopping/crawling around! Sheesh.... I wonder how many are in there that I can't see? She's on Eco-Earth now but I'm changing her substrate to tile over the weekend. Perhaps then the environment won't be so cricket egg friendly?

Kangas Kritters

Everybody needs a Kritter
San Ramon, CA
baby crickets

I've had this happen to me too. Typically in my case the new crickets are confined to the moist hide box so simply changing or thoroughly cleaning the hide box will solve the problem. It's not that the crickets are going to hurt the gecko(s), but they certainly can stress them if they're crawling on the gecko. Try to only feed the gecko as many crickets as it will eat on the spot. If a gravid cricket is allowed to stay in the cage long enough they can certainly continue to lay eggs.


New Member
there is your problem. You are using eco earth in the entire enclosure. only use it in the humid hide. It's not good for your gecko anyway to have it as a substrate. I would change it to paper towl untill you can get the tile. when she hunts for crickets im sure she is eating that stuff and thats no good. it can cause her to become impacted. and is a ver good breeding ground for crickets lol.


Well I feel a little better now knowing I'm not the only one! Thanks for the peace of mind Charlton! I'll clean out and put some fresh moss in her humid hide. I'll also be more careful with the number of criks I give her. I'm going to remove a decoration or 2 so they have less places to hide as well. Do you think the wee criks that I can't find will just die off or should I be extra diligent and pick them out one by one? I feel so responsible!


You know Brandy .... I had a sneaking suspicion that was part of my problem! Hehe! Makes good sense! Ah well.... live and learn, huh? :)

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