Stopped eating veg...


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Well its been amount 3-4 months now of not eating veg. I have tried several tricks, different veg, misting veg, not feeding crickets and just veg, he has totally turned off veg. He is in shut down mode now sleeping under heat lamp. But anyone have tricks to get him eating veg again or do i just have a dragon that doesn't eat greens?


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
You can try offering more fruits mixed in the salads, if he just picks those out, you can try pureeing the fruit, ten mix the greens in the puree so he has to eat them if he wants the sweetness. Then slowly wean him off of it as you dont want to offer to much fruit to beardies, to high in sugar. Other things to offer are sweet smelling and bright veggies like sweet potatoes, hard squashes like acorn or butter nut squashes. Slice it up thin and put it on top of the salad.

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