I have had this adult bearded dragon for a few weeks. He was eating supers like crazy. Recently he has stopped eating worms and greens. He spends alot of time in is hide. Any suggestions?
I believe hes going into brumation... I'm not a Bearded dragon expert but theres lots of resources online that could tell you how to care for him during his brumation.
Is he going to poo normally??? I would also suggest getting a facal done just to be on the safe side. I am by no means an expert. I own a 23 month old. I thoiught I had read that you shouldn't feed your beardie supers or mealies. You may want to check that out. I know that mealies cause impaction and I thought that I read that supers could also.
My beardie is lazier during the winter months, but she never stops eating. I have heard that mealworms are bad for beardies. They can't digest them because of the hard shell. So, I would get a fecal. Good Luck! Did you lower your temps at all??
Sorry for taking so long to update. A day after making the post, he started eating again.
In regard to the mealworms and supers, I read that is was ok to feed adults supers and babies mealworms. I rechecked and found that information on a few breeders websites. The only thing I read was not to feed baby dragons (under 6 or so inches) supers. I also once in a while feed him waxworms.
Thanks everyone for your comments and I appreciate the help!
Mealworms should be cut out completely & they should be 18" to eat supers, not 6". This place is the best for leopard gecko info, for beardie info try beardeddragon.org
I was told by my herp vet to never feed my beardie mealies. They are not able to digest the shells. The vet said that I could give her the occasional newly shedded mealie. The white ones. I don't do this vert often out of fear of impaction. I always try and ere on the side of caution when my babies are concerned. My girl does LOVE silkies and they are real soft and mushy so no chance of impaction. She also likes phoenix worms really well but they are small and she can eat ALOT.