Stubborn Cricket Eater!



Well my blizzard didn't eat all that great when I first got him at the Raleigh, NC show, I was told he ate nothing but mealworms.

Well I got him home and of course I didn't expect him to eat right off the bat because of the stress of being in a little cup for lord knows how long, well after about a week he ate 1 maybe 2 mealworms at a time daily, I also bought 2 cups of waxworms for treats and I would throw a couple in there for him once a week.

I broke down and got him crickets and omg he tears them up which is fine, but I HATE crickets with a passion lol I got all my other geckos switched over to mealies besides him with no probs.

Here is the funny thing, I can drop a mealworm in there and he won't touch it, if I drop a waxworm he goes OFF on them and I know they aren't good for him, just curious is there any tips I can get that might help him feed on mealies better? I realize if he wants crickets then ill have to deal with it and give him crickets like I have been doing, I'm just curious as to why he goes off on the waxies and not the mealies?


Yeah I've always heard that about them lol, me either I suppose.

can they can smell the diffrence between wax worms and mealies?


New Member
I imagine that they can or at least can tell in some way.

How big is this gecko? You might try super worms. They aren't nearly as healthy as mealies and crix, but at least they aren't just a treat. I have a gecko that won't touch mealies and I get tired of crix always dying on me before I can feed them. So, he gets supers and mealies whenever he is bored of supers.
You might, if you like, try roaches. A lot of peeps on here use them, so maybe someone will chime in on that. There's also another (silk worms?) that people are trying, but I don't know much about them.

I know crix are creepy and evil, but they are harmless so there's nothing to fear from them. If you can handle the crix, I'd give your gecko crix til he gets bored and wants to go to mealies again. Like Balloonz said though, the wax worms are more a treat than a staple.


Arconna said:
I imagine that they can or at least can tell in some way.

How big is this gecko? You might try super worms. They aren't nearly as healthy as mealies and crix, but at least they aren't just a treat. I have a gecko that won't touch mealies and I get tired of crix always dying on me before I can feed them. So, he gets supers and mealies whenever he is bored of supers.
You might, if you like, try roaches. A lot of peeps on here use them, so maybe someone will chime in on that. There's also another (silk worms?) that people are trying, but I don't know much about them.

I know crix are creepy and evil, but they are harmless so there's nothing to fear from them. If you can handle the crix, I'd give your gecko crix til he gets bored and wants to go to mealies again. Like Balloonz said though, the wax worms are more a treat than a staple.

He's 75 grams right now he's a pretty big boy, I bought some superworms tonight wouldn't touch them lol I gave a few to my other gecko's so not a big loss, guess ill have to stick with crickets I'm not afraid of them I just hate them because they stink, die easy, and they always drown themselves in the waterbowls in the gecko's houses.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
What time are you feeding and watching him eat?

I think that sometimes we tend to forget that they eat at night, just becuase you do not see them eat doesn't mean that they didn't. And if you drop in a special treat in the day or mid day light they may come out to get it.

When I feed crix I do it at 1 or 2am and go back at like 5am to see if there are any left.

With mealies I fill the dish and I see it empty after a day or so.


I feed them between 10pm and 12am He is most active these times, the others will eat at anytime lol I have to be at work early most days and I feed them every other day. It just sucks making trips to the store to get crickets, I'm going to buy some in bulk just for him and ill even give a few to the other geckos.

I don't use dishes for food, I only have 5 leo's and I like to watch them so I feed one by one, lol really morbid.

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