Stubborn dead skin?



One of my Leo's has a small piece of skin left on the tip of its tail. I've noticed its starting to constrict around the tail, deforming it a little. What should I do? I've tried soaking it in water, and genlty rubbing a Q-tip on it. Once when I came home, and once before I went to bed. Made sure to moist the hide real good too. Is there anything else I can do? Will this "kink" be permanent?


Happy Gecko Family
Usually, if my leos get stuck shed on the toes, I'll just wet my fingers then massage it off for them. Maybe you could give that a try. I don't think the kink will be permanent, but you should get that stuck shed off as soos as possible.


Thanks for the response. I was able to get it off. Just had to be really patient with the q-tip. I'm gonna keep Neosprin on it til it heals, and hopefully that will help with any deformation/scarring. I guess its just something I have to let go, I guess I'm more bummed about any sort of kinking in the tail. Shes got so much personality, I'd rather keep her than trade her in for another gecko with a better tail. She already seems accustomed to me, and I love the way her little tail shakes before she strikes. :) That is, if its a female.

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