Stubborn Shedding


New Member
Hi. Hoping you guys can offer some advice. Our leo has had a very stubborn bit of shed on nose/near mouth area. We've been dabbing it with Q-tip, but can't remove it. It's on there real good. I also noticed to red swelling on a toe where shedding looks wrapped tight like an Ace bandage, obviously cutting off some circulation. Been giving him warm baths to loosen skin and the toe looks a little better but still not great. Will I want to remove every tiny bit of shedding on his toes every time he sheds? Should I expect to give him a bath following each shed? Also, he has no interest whatsoever in the moist hide. It's a shallow tupperware container with hole in top with moss/paper towel (we've tried both). Thanks very much!


Ridgewood, NJ
When I had some of mine in tanks in my living room they barely came out of their hides and refused to be in their moist hides. I think it was because the 10 gallon tank was too big (they were 30g hatchlings) and they felt too exposed with all the activity and light in the room. You might try blacking out the tupperware by taping construction paper over the sides or painting it (make sure the paint is non-toxic of course). You could also try moving the tank to a darker or less trafficked area of the house if its not already in one.

Other than that I think filling out the form Embrace suggested may help people give better suggestions.

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