I just got 3 new leopard geckos. Within 24 hrs I noticed that the Mack Snow's eye looked "weird." It doesn't look like its oozing anything and it not completely stuck shut, but I can't see its eye ball either. I looked at some pictures on here and I'd say it looks like stuck shed, but I don't see any other area on her that she's shedding?? She may have come to me like this, since her eyes are dark and it is partly open and I tried to just put them in the aquarium get it all arranged and then tried to leave them alone so they could get used to their new home, I never looked closely at it, until I noticed it looked "weird." What can I do to help her out??? She is moving about the cage fine and she's the only one I've seen so far in the food dish eating the mealworms (although the other 2 often don't become too active until quite late at night, so I could very easily miss them eating). So she does seem to be doing okay, I would just like to help her out w/ this eye issue. BTW, I have seen her "licking" at it and the first night I noticed her rubbing againest the edge of the aquaruim on that side.